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Chemical Exposure/Agent Orange Lawyer in Jackson, MS

Vietnam veterans may be eligible for compensation and health care for certain diseases associated with Agent Orange, the defoliant sprayed to unmask enemy hiding places in the jungles throughout Vietnam.

Special health care and compensation benefits are available to the 2.6 million men and women who served in Vietnam between 1962 and 1975.

A small percentage of their disability claims are for illnesses that scientists have listed as being associated with Agent Orange. The VA presumes that all military personnel who served in Vietnam were exposed to Agent Orange, and federal law presumes that certain illnesses are a result of that exposure. This “presumptive policy” simplifies the process of receiving compensation for these diseases.

Derek L. Hall, PC assists veterans in pursuing disability claims for Agent Orange and other chemical exposure and other veterans disability claims. Contact a Jackson chemical exposure attorney online or call us at 601-202-2222 to schedule a free initial consultation.

In addition, monetary benefits, health care and vocational rehabilitation services are provided to Vietnam veterans’ offspring with spina bifida, a congenital birth defect of the spine. Children of female veterans who served in Vietnam are authorized health care and monetary benefits for certain additional birth defects.

Veterans’ Diseases Related to Agent Orange Exposure

The VA assumes that certain diseases are related to qualifying military service. These are called “presumptive diseases.” The VA has recognized certain cancers and other health problems as presumptive diseases related to exposure to Agent Orange or other herbicides during military service.

  • Birth defects in children of Vietnam and Korea veterans

The VA presumes amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) diagnosed in all veterans with 90 days or more continuous active military service is related to their service, although ALS is not related to Agent Orange exposure.

  • Acute and subacute peripheral neuropathy — A nervous system condition that causes numbness, tingling and motor weakness.
  • AL amyloidosis — A rare disease caused when an abnormal protein, amyloid, enters tissues or organs.
  • Chloracne (or similar acneform disease) — A skin condition that occurs soon after exposure to chemicals and looks like common forms of acne seen in teenagers. Under the VA’s rating regulations, chloracne (or another acneform disease similar to chloracne) must be at least 10 percent disabling within one year of exposure to herbicides.
  • Chronic B-cell leukemias — A type of cancer which affects white blood cells.
  • Diabetes mellitus (Type 2) — A disease characterized by high blood sugar levels resulting from the body’s inability to respond properly to the hormone, insulin.
  • Hodgkin’s disease — A malignant lymphoma (cancer) characterized by progressive enlargement of the lymph nodes, liver and spleen, and by progressive anemia.
  • Ischemic heart disease — A disease characterized by a reduced supply of blood to the heart, that leads to chest pain.
  • Multiple myeloma — A cancer of plasma cells, a type of white blood cell in the bone marrow.
  • Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma — A group of cancers that affect the lymph glands and other lymphatic tissues.
  • Parkinson’s disease — A progressive disorder of the nervous system that affects muscle movement.
  • Porphyria cutanea tarda — A disorder characterized by liver dysfunction and by thinning and blistering of the skin in sun-exposed areas. Under the VA’s rating regulations, it must be at least 10 percent disabling within one year of exposure to herbicides.
  • Prostate cancer — Cancer of the prostate; one of the most common cancers among men.
  • Respiratory cancers — Cancers of the lung, larynx, trachea and bronchus.
  • Soft tissue sarcoma (other than osteosarcoma, chondrosarcoma, Kaposi’s sarcoma or mesothelioma) — A group of different types of cancers in body tissues such as muscle, fat, blood and lymph vessels, and connective tissues.

It’s Time to Call Derek Hall For More Information Regarding Agent Orange Illnesses

If you were exposed to Agent Orange in Vietnam, contact our Jackson chemical exposure attorney or call us at 601-202-2222 to schedule a free consultation regarding benefits you may be able to receive.

Vietnam veterans may be eligible for compensation and health care for certain diseases associated with Agent Orange, the defoliant sprayed to unmask enemy hiding places in the jungles throughout Vietnam.

Special health care and compensation benefits are available to the 2.6 million men and women who served in Vietnam between 1962 and 1975.

A small percentage of their disability claims are for illnesses that scientists have listed as being associated with Agent Orange. The VA presumes that all military personnel who served in Vietnam were exposed to Agent Orange, and federal law presumes that certain illnesses are a result of that exposure. This “presumptive policy” simplifies the process of receiving compensation for these diseases.

Derek L. Hall, PC assists veterans in pursuing disability claims for Agent Orange and other chemical exposure and other veterans disability claims. Contact a Jackson chemical exposure attorney online or call us at 601-202-2222 to schedule a free initial consultation.

In addition, monetary benefits, health care and vocational rehabilitation services are provided to Vietnam veterans’ offspring with spina bifida, a congenital birth defect of the spine. Children of female veterans who served in Vietnam are authorized health care and monetary benefits for certain additional birth defects.

Veterans’ Diseases Related to Agent Orange Exposure

The VA assumes that certain diseases are related to qualifying military service. These are called “presumptive diseases.” The VA has recognized certain cancers and other health problems as presumptive diseases related to exposure to Agent Orange or other herbicides during military service.

  • Birth defects in children of Vietnam and Korea veterans

The VA presumes amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) diagnosed in all veterans with 90 days or more continuous active military service is related to their service, although ALS is not related to Agent Orange exposure.

  • Acute and subacute peripheral neuropathy — A nervous system condition that causes numbness, tingling and motor weakness.
  • AL amyloidosis — A rare disease caused when an abnormal protein, amyloid, enters tissues or organs.
  • Chloracne (or similar acneform disease) — A skin condition that occurs soon after exposure to chemicals and looks like common forms of acne seen in teenagers. Under the VA’s rating regulations, chloracne (or another acneform disease similar to chloracne) must be at least 10 percent disabling within one year of exposure to herbicides.
  • Chronic B-cell leukemias — A type of cancer which affects white blood cells.
  • Diabetes mellitus (Type 2) — A disease characterized by high blood sugar levels resulting from the body’s inability to respond properly to the hormone, insulin.
  • Hodgkin’s disease — A malignant lymphoma (cancer) characterized by progressive enlargement of the lymph nodes, liver and spleen, and by progressive anemia.
  • Ischemic heart disease — A disease characterized by a reduced supply of blood to the heart, that leads to chest pain.
  • Multiple myeloma — A cancer of plasma cells, a type of white blood cell in the bone marrow.
  • Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma — A group of cancers that affect the lymph glands and other lymphatic tissues.
  • Parkinson’s disease — A progressive disorder of the nervous system that affects muscle movement.
  • Porphyria cutanea tarda — A disorder characterized by liver dysfunction and by thinning and blistering of the skin in sun-exposed areas. Under the VA’s rating regulations, it must be at least 10 percent disabling within one year of exposure to herbicides.
  • Prostate cancer — Cancer of the prostate; one of the most common cancers among men.
  • Respiratory cancers — Cancers of the lung, larynx, trachea and bronchus.
  • Soft tissue sarcoma (other than osteosarcoma, chondrosarcoma, Kaposi’s sarcoma or mesothelioma) — A group of different types of cancers in body tissues such as muscle, fat, blood and lymph vessels, and connective tissues.

It’s Time to Call Derek Hall For More Information Regarding Agent Orange Illnesses

If you were exposed to Agent Orange in Vietnam, contact our Jackson chemical exposure attorney or call us at 601-202-2222 to schedule a free consultation regarding benefits you may be able to receive.

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